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    Customs dispute over trucker guarantees at Finnish-Russian border
    RUSSIAN Federal Customs Service's has breached international law by no longer accepting United Nations TIR (Transports Internationaux Routiers) guarantees in the north-west region at the Finnish-Russian border. TIR is a universal transit system that allows goods to transit from a country of origin to a country of destination in sealed load compartments with customs control recognition along the supply chain. Transport operators travelling through this high-traffic border crossing point between Europe and Russia will now be obliged to purchase additional national guarantees. Truckers driving in Russia are to use the International Road Transport Union (IRU) Recommendations for TIR Carnet Holders (EN/ RU) in case TIR Carnets are illegally refused by Russian Customs, said the IRU statement, reported by British International Freight Association (BIFA) newsletter. This additional illegal decision by the FCS RF is in direct violation of the TIR Convention, as well as several court decisions rendered by the Supreme Arbitration Court of Russia. It also defies instructions from the Russian Government taken in relation to TIR in the past few months and constitutes another worrying sign for the business climate in Russia. The IRU is currently in discussions with various Russian Ministries at all levels to quickly resolve this situation through the immediate reinstatement and long-term continuation of the TIR System in Russia. IRU has reported on about excessive high guarantees for operators at the borders, both for import and export in Russia. According to some CLECAT members border crossing is still possible in practices without buying additional guarantee.