Primary Market

About Transitop

    Primary Market
    Linkup with our Group offices and overseas agency network, either by sea or air, our comprehensive transportation services are able to reach any points in China and worldwide main ports, our primary service markets are

    ■ Canada, Miami/USA & Mexico
    ■ Central & South America,Caribbean Sea
    ■ Europe, Spain & Mediterranean
    ■ Africa, Australia & New Zealand
    ■ South Eastern Asia


    For rate quotation go to "Request Quote"


    For more information please contact our Head Office:

    Transitop Logistics(China)Ltd.
    AI/5F,Xinghu Commercial Bldg,No.46,Huli Road,Xiamen,China 361006
    Tel:(86-592)5656628(30 lines)
    Fax:(86-592)5656758 5656768